“I feel like an entirely NEW person after my breast reduction”
I feel like an entirely NEW person after my breast reduction. I’ve wanted this procedure for a very long time and couldn’t muster up the courage or time.
After finding Dr. Layliev and seeing his “work” with other patients, I took the plunge and it was worth it! I never expected the results I’ve had, they’ve far exceeded my hopes. I love the shape, the size, the placement, the incisions and I love how Dr. Layliev took his time with me, before my surgery and after, I felt it was truly genuine and he cared about me. The staff at Romanelli Cosmetic Surgery were insightful and incredibly helpful during the process, especially Lauren S(!) she was a star player. Huntington Hospital was efficient & organized, I’d happily have anything done there and the nurses were gentle, not rushing me post-op-which was what I was expecting. Glad to be proven wrong. p.s. I was back at work 4 days later…no problem.